Dancing Water
What does the gentle yet cold spring breeze inform the water?

Catch the sunlight and glow, throbbing in mystical iridescence?

Catch it now, here and there, some bit there...
Catch it...now

Blind the viewer with the power of light, like a spell.

Let him witness that brief diamonds can be found in unknown waters.

Let him feel enamored, Dazzle him with shine, 

Can he attune himself to this play?

Let him behold, encounter what wind, water and light 
can stir together.
A friend went to witness the blooming of neelkurunji flowers. They are purple wild flowers growing up on the mountains of the neelgiri hills in Tamil Nadu. The entire mountain view is purple when they all bloom together in a gap of 12 yrs. Find more information here in this article. 

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